Eligibility Requirements: Submissions to The Oracle
To be considered for publication in The Oracle, you must:
         - Be an undergraduate student from any post-secondary institution in North America.
         - Not be involved in the review, editing, or publication of The Oracle in that year, in any capacity.

1. Philosophy-related papers must:
         - Be between 2000-4500 words.
         - Discuss any topic of your choosing, but with a link to Philosophy.
         - Include an abstract* of up to 400 words in addition to the above word limit.
         - Be fully cited with endnotes/footnotes and a Bibliography formatted in Chicago style.

2. Poetry, prose, photography, and other [publishable] creative pieces must:
        - Include an abstract of up to 150 words.

For all submissions, refrain from unnecessary use of discriminatory language and traceable personal
identifiers in the content of your submission.

*Abstracts will be included in the published submission, but do not count as part of the word limit.

Submission Instructions
- All submissions must be emailed to oracleyorku@gmail.com from your student email ID.
- Please format the subject line of the email as follows:
Submission for The Oracle: [Your Full Name], [University]
Example: Submission for The Oracle: Micheal Habib, York University
- In the body of the email, include an abstract (for papers: up to 400 words, and for other
submissions: up to 150 words).
- .pdf file format is preferred for papers, poetry, and prose.
- .pdf, .jpg, .png, etc. is acceptable for other submissions (e.g photography and visual artwork).
- Submissions open December 5, 2024, and close March 5, 2025.
- Follow-up emails (i.e. approval/rejection/revision) will be sent once submissions are reviewed.

Eligibility Requirements: Volunteer Editors
Each year, The Oracle calls for internal volunteers to assist the Editor-in-Chief in editing the journal.
Volunteer Editor positions are open to both graduate and undergraduate students at York University.
If you meet the above requirement and are interested in joining The Oracle editorial team, please fill and
submit the hyperlinked Volunteer Editor Application Form.
Please note that, in order to avoid conflicts of interest, selected Volunteer Editors cannot apply for
publication in The Oracle during the year of their term as a Volunteer Editor.

Please direct any inquiries and/or questions to philclubyorku@gmail.com.
Also, follow Philosophia: York University’s Undergraduate Philosophy Students’ Association on its social
media channels through https://linktr.ee/yorkphilosophia to stay up to date with its activities.

The Oracle is published annually through the combined efforts of the Executive Team at Philosophia:
York University’s Undergraduate Philosophy Students’ Association, York University’s Department of
Philosophy, and York University Printing Services.
The Oracle: Annual Student Conference 2025 is sponsored by the York University Department of
Philosophy and the Canadian Journal of Philosophy (CJP).